I had the gen 1 C650 GT from early '14 to this past summer and traded it in for the Gen 2. Here is a review I wrote on another message board after having it only a short time. Now with 2000 miles of riding, I wouldn't change the review. Much different and better bike now. The review:
First impressions - 2018 C650GT
I recently traded in my '13 GT with 30,000 km and modified Dr. Pulley rollers /clutch for the '18 GT in Ocean Blue. Other candidate has always been the Honda NM4 (Batmobile) but the storage and wind protection suck and the seat isn't two-up friendly. After reading a bunch of reviews on the "Gen 2" version of the GT and for the most part having really enjoyed the '13, I opted to go for the trade. I had to do something because I was coming up on a major service visit plus tires plus battery on the '13, and as others have said, it makes more sense to use the money for a new bike. And BMW was offering a $750 incentive to current owners of non-BMW brands ( I also have a Honda Shadow 750). Didn't have to trade the Honda, just had to show that I currently own it.
First impressions after only a hundred km on the new bike:
*Rick's articles on the 2016 GT (start of "Gen 2") in WebBikeWorld are spot on. I agreed with all his major points.
*Best of all, the improved CVT and clutch. Take off from a stop is very assured and even better than the Dr. Pulley mods I made to the '13. No seal barking noise (you know what I mean) or shuddering.
*Exhaust signature is way different and more motorcycle sounding. Instead of a constant high pitch drone, there's a pleasant low pitch growl. I don't want to gouge out my ear drums. Very nice.
*Improved/stiffer suspension.
*Added auto stabilization control (standard equipment) with the already standard ABS makes it about as sure footed as possible.
*Vastly improved mirrors - I have a great field of vision without need to add motor home inserts that I put on the '13. Easy to adjust too.
*Center stand - vastly easier to operate. I mean a LOT easier.
*Tunnel material near the fuel door is matte instead of shiny plastic to protect better against boot scuffs.
*Auto turn signal shutoff - nice touch.
*Windscreen - wish it was a few inches higher. I installed the Wunderlich deflector off my old bike onto the new one. Windscreen auto returns to a neutral position when shutting down the bike. Needed?
*Nicer looking speedometer display
*Nice seat stitching.
*One rear tire pressure setting for one or two people.
We'll see if anything else jumps out in the next few weeks. So far, I'm very impressed. This second gen of the GT is a whole different and much better bike than the original.