Info on the aforementioned idle actuator hoses I copied for my files from a thead on this forum ....
“When going > 30 MPH and coming to a stop, the engine stalls. I can restart it without any issue but it's certainly less than desirable.”
“Same thing, when coming to a stop; the idle drops (around 15 mph) and it stalls. Consistently. On the way back home I had the emissions light come on which had never happened before.”
“The dealer charged me $540 to replace an O2 sensor but the stalling problem persisted. I dropped it off at the new shop this morning and while I was there, started it up and he said (after hearing all the symptoms and listening to it), "sounds like an air leak..." Well, he called about hour later and said, sure enough, there was
a split in one of the two idle actuator hoses (p/n: 01 13 71 7 725 265). It's only a $21 part and would explain all the other clues, including wonky readings from the original O2 sensor.”
“I took mine back to the shop and asked them to check those hoses and found both of them cracked. Parts were only twenty apiece but two and a half hours labor. But it did fix the problem. That is why I read these posts.”
“They’re called idle actuator hoses. You can easily see one end at the front of the engine on each side, maybe 4 to 5 inches in front of the variator.”
“My scoot would stop one time and idle at 3,000 rpm, the next time would idle so low the engine would stall and you never knew what was coming. If you slowed very gradually everything seemed normal, but I had it stall a time or two leaving a stop. Only going through these symptoms so you know what to look for, it typically doesn't happen all at once and when it starts going you have a little time to order the hoses.”
“They plug into the air "muffler" just above and behind the spark plugs, are routed in between the throttle bodies and plug into the engine at the 90 degree bend. You could "probably" get by with the correct size hose and route it yourself but it's formed like this to make sure all cables and linkages are not
interfered with.”