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Healtech Thunder Box power distribution


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Sep 8, 2024
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Hello, recent newbie to the CE04. Fitted a Healtech Thunderbox power distribution box. https://www.healtech-electronics.com/products/tb/



Thunderbox fitted, did require a switched live connection. Powers up with ignition, it does a self-check and after that powers on the accessory; USB A charge lead in this case. Powers down when off and cuts power and then goes into sleep mode.


USB lead will live under the seat.
I realize that you folks are using a stock fuse merely as a trigger to the Healtech (or to any other fuse panel, such as East Beaver's PC8 -- https://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Wiring_Kits/Fuseboxes/PC-8R/PC-8R_PDM.html -- which I've used on a couple of bikes), so this caveat doesn't really apply here.

But just for general info, and in case anyone else reads this thread who just wants to tap into a stock fuse without adding a fuse panel, I just thought I'd point out that fuse taps can be inserted either of two ways, but that there's a recommended way and a not recommended way to do that. Here's a video that explains it all better, if you have ten minutes to spare:
