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Problem with the front seat heating

Greg goes wild

Active member
Jan 17, 2021
Houston Tx.
Visit site
Well i noticed this 2 days ago that my BMW 2016 C 650 GT riders seat stays on even when the
heat is turned OFF. I READ in the book that's maximum heat. there would be 2 .. _ 2 black dots
above the_ I tried several times pushing the heat button on the right handlebar. I know
there is electrical under the seat a plug with lots of wires. OH YES n that front seat gets HOT. I don't
want to do without the heated seat during the winter in Tx. is there a cure to fix this or do i have to bring it in to the dealer?? ALL suggestions are welcome. Cuz if a ride a long distance it could
possibly start a fire.
Ghost Rider Greg
Maybe try spraying in some contact cleaner into the switch on the handlebar - and try unplugging and plugging back in the plug to the seat. If those don't work, I would be out of ideas (but I would check for codes / see what my Motoscan app would be able to diagnose/find). Good luck!