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Service message


New member
Feb 12, 2022
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My scooter is now out of warranty and I do object to paying BMWs exorbitant prices for servicing. But it's almost impossible to get rid of the service reminder. (I'm sure someone will be along and tell me otherwise)
I have since found out that by altering the date to 2023 this got rid of the service flag (until next year). I hope this helps someone.
Search this forum for Service Resetting and you will find a link that shows you how to do it. I posted a devise that works and another member posted another devise that works. (Not all OBD readers work.) My recollection is that the devise and program cost about a $100.00 so I don't know how much you save but in my case I just want to change my own oil. Not sure if I will do other service work.