Cosmetic maintenance

I've seen several threads concerning mechanical upkeep but nothing (unless I missed it) about products people use and recommend for cleaning the panels, wheels, windscreen, etc. Of course the owners manual names all of the OEM products but I have a feeling my small local shop doesn't carry any of those.

What is available at auto supply stores or even online specialty car care product stores that other Forum Members use?


New member
I use Plexus Plastic cleaner. Quick rub down after almost every ride keeps the finish looking great. Works on windshield and face shield, too.

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I've used Lemon Pledge on my previous Goldwings 1100, 1200, 1500 and the 1800. Been using it on my Maxi scooters as well, Silverwing, B650 and now my Gt. Cheap, works well and does a good job on the windshield and body work. For serious bugs on the windshield I lay a wet towel, paper or terry, over the windshield for a couple of minutes and then wipe off the bug guts. They soften up rapidly when wet and can be wiped off without scrubbing. Prevents hard parts of their exoskeletons from making fine scratches in the plastic. Once that's done the screen gets a coat of Lemon Pledge to help keep new bugs from sticking as much and help rain to bead up and run off. I did buy a large can of Plexus but the $25 price was a bit much. Plexus works very well but not that much better than Lemon Pledge.

Oh, yeah, did I say it was much cheaper?
Thanks for the input folks. I'd been thinking about All-Kleer for the windscreen. It's a product that I used on the plastic back window of my convertible. They make types for aircraft, motorcycles, etc., but I was curious about what others were doing. Here's a link - All Kleer ? Plastic Windshield Cleaner (I have no affiliation, just the only plastic product I've used).


New member
S100 wheel cleaner on the wheels, S100 general purpose on the rest of the bike. Plexus on the windscreen and headlight. If you really want to make it pretty, Armor-all on the rubber mats. If you want to make your passenger's life interesting, Armor-All on the saddle. ;)

Oh, and once a year (usually in the Spring) I go over all the painted surfaces with Turtle Wax.


New member
Water soaked sponge for the windshield - which I carry in a plastic baggie. In my opinion this is better than any spray "miracle" on the market.
Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax which is 100% Polymer monthly
Meguiar's Motorcycle Detailer Mist & Wipe carry along on trips
Meguiar's Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer for the trim
Meguiar's Scratch and Swirl remover.
"If Meguiar's doesn't make it it ain't necessary" - my quote
Thanks everyone! A lot of different choices. Tlippy, thanks for the black plastic restorer advice. I saw early on that people complained about scuffing the center area where the gas filler is when getting on and off the bike and I have found I'm no exception. That product may be helpful.


Mother's "Back to Black" does a good job of making black plastic areas look good as well. I've used it on several bikes including a couple of Silverwing scooters which have the black plastic covers in the step through area. The Back To Black worked very well on those areas. If the plastic is pretty well scuffed a couple of applications of the stuff separated by a week or two will help a lot.


New member
I recently used Lemon Pledge on both my scooters and like the result. Next question, what about all the black panels (dash, center console, etc)?


New member

I recently used Lemon Pledge on both my scooters and like the result. Next question, what about all the black panels (dash, center console, etc)?

The best stuff I have found for the black stuff is Vinylex made by Lexol in the blue bottle. It is awesome! I use it for auto interiors and tires. Works great on the black plastic, just makes it look new but not shiney or greasy. You can get it on ebay or the high end car dealers sell it like BMW and Mercedes.
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I wipe down the black areas with Mother's Back to Black as per posting above. Keeps things looking good and isn't expensive.


New member
Washed my scooter for the first time last month since I got it in October 2012, I used dish soap

Just to point out that dish soap removes all wax on autos or bikes. My claybar instructions is to use dish soap to remove everything including wax.
I use Ice Wax not regular Ice or detailing product. It can be used on plastic or glass and works to repel dirt and bugs. I try not to use a lot of detergent when washing my cars or bike but use a lot of water to get rid of dirt.

You must have a granite silver scooter as it doesn't show dirt.

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