Barry, back in post 12 here you asked me about the new brake-pad thickness, and I sort of estimated it as 7.8mm, doing a cob-job measurement of the pad without removing it. I happened to be looking at the owner's manual last night, and noticed this, way near the end:
View attachment 4648
So it turns out that I was off, by quite a bit.
In any case, what I wanted to mention to you, just in case you haven't noticed this: the valve core goes right to the top of the outer threads (the part that a plastic cap goes on). That's as it should be, in my experience. But I recall that when I was examining the spare part that I bought to, uh, examine it, there did not seem to be a lot of room in there to "lower" the valve core.
That is, if you make the assembly shorter -- to allow more room, for the sensor clearance vis-a-vis the caliper -- you will need to cut off some of those outer threads (where the stock plastic cap goes on). Cutting some inside-the-spoke threads will not do anything to improve sensor-vs-caliper clearance. And so, if you lop off some of the outermost threads, you will need to first move (i.e., screw in) the valve core lower into the assembly (or you will cut off its plunger thingy, too). And -- to get to my point here -- I vaguely recall that there isn't a lot of free space in the assembly to be able to lower the valve core.
Follow me on this?
So I just wanted to give you a heads up about all of this: 1) the actual measurement change of the brake pads (according to the owner's manual), and; 2) those stupid in-the-spoke Schrader assemblies are truly a pain in the butt (well, the front one, anyway -- I continue to have and use my FOBO on the rear rim).
Good luck, and please keep us posted.