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Garmin Zumo XT

Bought this one

and it worked perfectly.
I bought that same bracket on Amazon -- https://www.amazon.com/Motorcycle-Navigation-Bracket-Mounting-2019-2021/dp/B08Y56V5LR -- on June 14, 2022 (less than a week after I took delivery of my then brand new C 400 GT). So, great minds think alike.

However, I returned mine a few days after it arrived. My problem was that that bracket did not fit my setup, which was the Wunderlich Marthon windshield with vent: https://www.wunderlichamerica.com/b...hon-windscreen-clear-tinted-solid-tinted.html . My memory is a little hazy a year later, but the problem was either the particular curve of the Wunderlich windshield or the optional vent surround -- or possibly both.

In any event, I had a fitment issue with the bracket because of an aftermarket purchase, so I thought it might be potentially useful to point this out here.
That one worked fine for me as well. One nice surprise, at least in my package, were two cross bars; one was 12mm and the other was 22mm. I wound up using the smaller one because I thought it looked better and also because I already had a Zumo XT mount for 12mm bars. I also had, from a previous BMW bike, the BMW repair plug which conveniently plugged into the existing connector under the handlebar cover. This all makes for a very neat installation.
I am putting a Garmin Tread (same as the Zumo XT except for ATV's) on my bike and I need to get the plug for it.
Are there any instructions on how to remove the handlebar and other covers? I also have a Garmin XT. Just bought the bike today ordered the mount and connector after reading these posts and don't want to mess anything up. Did a quick search but did not find anything.
Are there any instructions on how to remove the handlebar and other covers? I also have a Garmin XT. Just bought the bike today ordered the mount and connector after reading these posts and don't want to mess anything up. Did a quick search but did not find anything.
There are four screws holding the first half of the handlebar cover in place. You can see one on each side of the cover, sort of on the front (of the bike) side, and one each underneath that cover, over by the ends (i.e., in the vicinity of the brake reservoirs). Hint: almost all of the bodywork fasteners are Torx 25 screws (exceptions that come to mind are the springy clips that work in conjunction with T25 screws on most of the larger bodywork pieces, the four screws that hold the windscreen in place (which are a slightly larger T size), and two plastic push-pins down by the underseat storage compartment).

I had been so used to removing the handlebar cover from a couple of Burgman 650s that I owned that it didn't require much thought, removing the handlebar cover from the C 400 GT. It's pretty much the same thing, and fairly intuitive.

What you really need is the shop manual, which BMW doesn't make available in any form for the laity (and on CD-ROM, I believe, for their techs). See this thread that I started over a year ago, for instance:

The not-so-great news is that this PDF manual is not organized all that well, in terms of bodywork. The shop manual for the Burgman, for instance, had a full chapter on bodywork removal, with a nice flow chart describing which piece needs to come off before what other piece can be removed. By contrast, the C 400 manual lists bodywork removal only as each piece relates to doing some non-bodywork task, i.e., getting to an actual functional part of the bike. Thus, you have to do a fair amount of searching to get to the actual descriptive steps to remove a given bodywork piece.

Nevertheless, I managed to work through all that last year, when adding electrical farkles to my first C 400 GT. You can look through my gallery -- https://billanddot.com/C400GT/ -- to see that I did, in fact, remove most of the front and rear bodywork at one time or another.

Good luck with your project.
Thanks wspollack. Wow! I went through your photo album. You have done some elegent work. You said you got a pdf file of the workshop manual. Do you know if the thumbdrive version is any better? Thinking about ordering it. I would like to put my 12V Garmin XT port where you put your GoPro port so this has been very helpful.

Thanks wspollack. Wow! I went through your photo album. You have done some elegent work. You said you got a pdf file of the workshop manual. Do you know if the thumbdrive version is any better? Thinking about ordering it. I would like to put my 12V Garmin XT port where you put your GoPro port so this has been very helpful.

Sorry, I should have been clearer: that PDF shop manual I got -- https://www.ebay.com/itm/133967057090 -- was delivered on a thumb drive. I did some virus scans -- no issues -- and then just copied the PDF file from it to my computer.

You got me curious, regarding the XT port, so I just did some searching. I'm not sure that this is relevant to the setup that you're planning, but there's a thread on ADV Rider (a site that very often has useful threads) -- https://www.advrider.com/f/threads/garmin-zumo-xt-wiring.1630783/ -- that looks like it might be helpful to you, too.

The person there used a Marinco 12V cigarette-style outlet, and I will add that I've used that same Marinco outlet on a couple of bikes in years past, and had no issues with it. If you have a minute, take a look at this image/caption of a Burgman 650 mod I made a few years ago: https://www.billanddot.com/burgman/#64

Thanks for the kind words.
Well I took the plunge and added a SAE connector to power my Garmin XT.

I was going to take off the side panels and glove box and splice into the din Hella plug wires, then run the cable through the top dash. (I was looking at wspolack’s photos and thought it was the best way to go.) But after removing the windshield I started thinking about that little cover right behind it. It looked like it would hold my panel mount SAE connector. So I also measured to see if my plug would fit between it and the windshield. The plug didn’t fit, but I had a smaller SAE connector that fit just fine so I got to work to see how hard it would be to remove that cover. Started prying with my plastic tools and it popped right off. (two spring clips at the bottom and one in the middle) The top of the cover just slides under the other body work.

Once that cover was removed it looked like an easy run to the GPS connector under the handlebar cover posted by wspolack. (PS I had already removed the handlebar cover as I was told it was one of the easiest parts to remove.) So from here it really didn’t take much time. Took the cover off, drilled the wholes. Installed the SAE panel mount. I cut the GPS plug off as I could not find a male connector in the states. (Back ordered at my dealer so I decided I would never need it.)

So here are some pics. More to come I hope;

Edit I added one more picture. I cleaned up the wiring a little and then put a piece of vinyl wrape over the area where that little box is on the original Garmin XT. They fixed this problem with the Garmin XT 2 by putting the voltage regulator in the unit instead of in the cord.


  • BMW cover with SAE.webp
    BMW cover with SAE.webp
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  • BMW Pannel removed with connector.webp
    BMW Pannel removed with connector.webp
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  • BMW spliced connector.webp
    BMW spliced connector.webp
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  • BMW cable plugged in..webp
    BMW cable plugged in..webp
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  • BMW side view of mounting system..webp
    BMW side view of mounting system..webp
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  • BMW GPS up and running.webp
    BMW GPS up and running.webp
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  • PXL_20231230_032837858.webp
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Well I took the plunge and added a SAE connector to power my Garmin XT.

I was going to take off the side panels and glove box and splice into the din Hella plug wires then run the cable through the top dash. (I was looking at wspolack’s photos and thought it was the best way to go.) But after removing the windshield I started thinking about that little cover right behind it. It looked like it would hold my panel mount SAE connector. So I also measured to see if my plug would fit between it and the windshield. The plug didn’t fit, but I had a smaller SAE connector that fit just fine so I got to work to see how hard it would be to remove that cover. Started prying with my plastic tools and it popped right off. (two spring clips at the bottom and one in the middle) The top of the cover just slides under the other body work.

Once that cover was removed it looked like an easy run to the GPS connector under the handlebar cover posted by wspolack. (PS I had already removed the handlebar cover as I was told it was one of the easiest parts to remove.) So from here it really didn’t take much time. Took the cover off, drilled the wholes. Installed the SAE panel mount. I cut the GPS plug off as I could not find a male connector in the states. (Back ordered at my dealer so I decided I would never need it.)

So here are some pics. More to come I hope;
Nice work (and pics)!

Do you recall which bar mount you got? I bought something like that early on, but it turned out not to be compatible with my Wunderlich windshield with vent. Maybe another one would work for me.
Nice work (and pics)!

Do you recall which bar mount you got? I bought something like that early on, but it turned out not to be compatible with my Wunderlich windshield with vent. Maybe another one would work for me.
I purchased one of the cheap ones. I bought it from Walmart online thinking I would get it quicker. (They said I would get it on the 11-10 but it didn't come in until 11-20.) They did send an email saying it was delayed. I looked at Wunderlich America but they are out of stock and pricey. So I deciede to try this one. This one seems to work well and be sturdy with my ram mount and windshield but I won't get a chance to try it out until March.

I just looked at your windscreen in your pictures. I can see how that vent would get in the way, you only have a couple inches between the mount and the screen with this thing. The Wunderlich universal mount has some adjustability in this area.
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Well I took the plunge and added a SAE connector to power my Garmin XT.

I was going to take off the side panels and glove box and splice into the din Hella plug wires, then run the cable through the top dash. (I was looking at wspolack’s photos and thought it was the best way to go.) But after removing the windshield I started thinking about that little cover right behind it. It looked like it would hold my panel mount SAE connector. So I also measured to see if my plug would fit between it and the windshield. The plug didn’t fit, but I had a smaller SAE connector that fit just fine so I got to work to see how hard it would be to remove that cover. Started prying with my plastic tools and it popped right off. (two spring clips at the bottom and one in the middle) The top of the cover just slides under the other body work.

Once that cover was removed it looked like an easy run to the GPS connector under the handlebar cover posted by wspolack. (PS I had already removed the handlebar cover as I was told it was one of the easiest parts to remove.) So from here it really didn’t take much time. Took the cover off, drilled the wholes. Installed the SAE panel mount. I cut the GPS plug off as I could not find a male connector in the states. (Back ordered at my dealer so I decided I would never need it.)

So here are some pics. More to come I hope;
So did you use this SAE plug to be able to easily move the Garmin to another vehicle? Otherwise, the plug and wires are ugly. Maybe put window tint on the back side of the wind screen where it mounts to the scooter and then all you will see of the wires is through the vent.

I tried to use the RAM mount like you had and there was two things I did not like about it. One it sat too high or if you lowered it, it moved to towards me and having the Garmin that far away from the mount made it vibrate too much. There is enough shaking from all the plastic on the front end of the scooter and the Garmin would be almost unreadable with it shaking at the end of the RAM extension. So I found this mount that eliminates all of that. It worked perfectly as you have vertical adjustment and now my Garmin shakes very little and it is just a few millimeters above my dash as I look at, and I have more visibility out the windscreen.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 7.09.07 AM.pngScreenshot 2023-11-30 at 7.17.26 AM.webp
I agree that the wires are not pretty. I did wire tie them up a little since this picture but plan to shorten them. And the cover is a great idea and easy to do. Just a little of that protective film right in that area on the screen would do it. Originally I used the SAE to make the GPS interchangable on bikes, and just decided to do it on this one as well. (Even though I have no other bikes at this time and don't plan to get any.) Was thinking about a trike but really don't need one yet. It does give me some versatility as I can plug whatever I want into it and i have splitters so that I can plug other things at the same time as well. The SAE is not a great plug in my opinion but it is versital and you can get them anywhere.

Another reason I did a plug is because the first XT I purchased came with a faulty cable. I hard wired that one into my Indian Challenger and it was a PITA When I started having issues with the XT. Garmin wanted everything sent in to check including the cable. I thought the problem was with my GPS but it turned out that it was a manufacturing defecrt with the cabel. (Looking back I think they new it but maybe did not know where the cut off was.) I decided that if it happened to me again I wanted an easy way to send everything back for testing. I was not going to take my cowel off and on to get my cable and again to replace it only for it to happen again. So I decided then I was going to make things simpler from a trouble shooting stratagy.

I love your mount. Found one on ebay and Etcy will order today. Thanks for the post and the ideas.

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Make sure to get the right mount size for the bar you are using. But it’s very high quality. I originally found one that was 3D printed but the problem was when you tightened it down, it would flex and then it was really hard to get the Garmin to snap into the mount. This one is aluminum and there is no way it is flexing.
Make sure to get the right mount size for the bar you are using. But it’s very high quality. I originally found one that was 3D printed but the problem was when you tightened it down, it would flex and then it was really hard to get the Garmin to snap into the mount. This one is aluminum and there is no way it is flexing.
Thanks! I just measured mine, it was 22mm so that is what I ordered. Yours looks awesome and is probably as good as we are going to get with this particular mount. I did see that rubber one you referred to it is actually bulkier and not as nice.
Yup. It shakes a little bit but hell its mostly plastic up front so you can only make plastic so rigid. I am really happy with my set up.
Got my new mounting system installed today. This is a much better position for both looks and use.
Thanks again for the tip.
